Today, the housing market in urban areas is a hot topic of discussion. And for many, the dream of becoming a homeowner is a far cry from reality. Cities like Atlanta have a high cost of living, and Atlanta’s median home sales prices has increased by 70% over the last five years, unfortunately options for individuals who earn below a certain threshold are slim. 

But for the real estate investor Booker T Washington, the state of Atlanta’s deteriorating demographic of low-income to middle-class homeowners presented a unique opportunity that just might permanently alter Atlanta’s housing market for good. 

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Installation art has been described as a three-dimensional mixed-media construction where an artist will use a space to create a series of ideas instead of individual pieces. These are often large-scale exhibits that are designed specifically for a particular location. This artform is made to challenge us to use our mind and requires us to engage with the artwork.

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In the fast-paced world of Haute Couture, velocity is an important variable. 

Mach number represents the speed’s ratio of a body to the speed of echo. So an aircraft traveling at Mach 2 is traveling at twice the speed of sound. 

Therefore, calling your fashion label Mach & Mach (Mach 2) is a genius move to spread your trend faster than supersonic!

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