In the dim-lit sanctuaries, aquariums, squares and more of cities all across the world, several hundred candles warmly glow to illuminate a stage filled with musicians pouring out music to a sea of listeners, giving concert-goers a gorgeous, one of a kind live music experience they will most likely never forget. 

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While the fashion industry continues to grow and expand, there are several aspects of the industry that stays the same. As the years change, diversity does not seem to expand with the rest of the fashion world. Fashion creator and designer Priya Ahluwalia recognizes that there just isn’t enough black representation within the fashion industry in the western world.

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Art and emotions go hand in hand, often grabbing the attention of audiences with particular colors, by using different scenes or just by being creative with the work at hand. Even the most basic art pieces can inspire emotional ties with audiences, roping in art-lovers and patrons with shapes, colors and design choices that often weave stories and inventiveness onto canvases, wood, sculptures or whatever other medium the artist chooses to create with. 

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Tampon usage, for a lot of women, is a normal part of a monthly routine. Advertised as safe and effective to help with the flow of bleeding during that time of the month, most people who use tampons do not even bat an eye when it comes to the period product. Tampons can be a great alternative for pads, cups or other forms of menstrual products, especially for athletes, swimmers or those who are active. 

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When people think of wings, they think of Red Bull. The bubbly, syrupy energy drink is known to  bring liveliness to crowds in concert venues, stamina for those on the go and exuberance to those who might need a pick-me-up. The iconic energy drink has been in stores since 1987 and since then has blown into a massive company that sponsors events, athletes, gaming, dance and more. 

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