Today, the housing market in urban areas is a hot topic of discussion. And for many, the dream of becoming a homeowner is a far cry from reality. Cities like Atlanta have a high cost of living, and Atlanta’s median home sales prices has increased by 70% over the last five years, unfortunately options for individuals who earn below a certain threshold are slim. 

But for the real estate investor Booker T Washington, the state of Atlanta’s deteriorating demographic of low-income to middle-class homeowners presented a unique opportunity that just might permanently alter Atlanta’s housing market for good. 

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If you're from Atlanta, or any large city for the most part, you know that different parts of the city vary greatly from one another in culture, community, and overall vibe. In Atlanta, people would never claim that Buckhead is the same as East Point or that Little Five Points is the same as Midtown. Tony Cruvie recognizes this and wanted to give people the opportunity to rep their neighborhood with pride, no matter where they’re from.

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